
Monday, June 4, 2012

Pizza Rolls

Pizza Rolls

-2 cans Cresent rolls
-1 (14oz) can pizza sauce
-1 lb Italian sausage
-24 slices pepperoni
-2 C. shredded cheese divided (your choice)

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
Cook Italian sausage over medium to high heat crumbling till there is no more pink.  Then add pizza sauce to pan and let simmer.  Open crescent rolls and place in large rectangles on a greased cookie sheet. Pinch seams together so ingredients don't leak out.  Spoon sausage mixture, four slices of pepperoni, and shredded cheese on the crescent rolls.  Carefully roll up crescents without breaking the dough.  Place in oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
You can add any other favorite toppings of your choice!

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